Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Possibility of a History Standardized Test

     If we were to have a standardized test in History I wouldn't agree with it.  Although, having a history test has a lot of pros it also may have a lot of cons.  One of its pros is that it tests our knowledge in that subject, and helps teachers find better ways to get certain objectives across to the students, so they can better understand it.  It also helps contribute to the administrators who determine, which teachers may be effective or ineffective.  Another pro is that it helps students' test-taking skills.  Lastly, it helps students be able to focus on what they need to study, and may motivate some students to work harder.

    There are many pros but also many cons to standardized testing.  One of the major cons to standardized testing is that students may feel stressed or over tested, possible causing them to do worse on tests.  Also, this may affect the curriculum because the teacher would have to focus more on the test than on curriculum. That already happens in a lot of my core classes that have standardized tests because they begin to focus more on the tests than on anything else.  Also, like many other tests the items on the test may not have actually been taught or may not even be in the curriculum.  Overall, a standardized test in history may cause more stress among students and teachers, and can limit teaching time.

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