Monday, September 27, 2010

Money Bag Ryan

     My name is Ryan, and I'm a twelve year old eighth grader at Stuart Hobson Middle School.  My favorite subject is Mathematics, and I want to be an engineer when I get older.  My favorite sport to play is soccer, and my favorite sport to watch is easily football.  My favorite soccer player and role model is Landon Donovan, and my favorite football player is the late, great Sean Taylor.  My favorite food is chicken.  My mother is Diana, and she is a sixth grade math teacher at Stuart Hobson Middle School.  My father is also named Ryan, and he is a musician.  The highlight of my life was when I got my cell phone because I had been wanting one for what seemed like forever.  I want to be a soccer player or engineer in the future.

1 comment:

  1. The highlight of my life was when I got my cell phone because I had been wanting one for what seemed like forever. I want to be a soccer player or engineer in the future. custom carrier bags
