Monday, September 27, 2010


I am Eduardo I am student at Stuart Hobson and in the 8th grade. I have a dog and I am 13 years old. I love to read and write. I play soccer, basketball, and a little football. The people I look up to are my parents. They are enthusiastic about everything and tell me to never give up. I wish to make my very own novel and create the worlds most popular game.

Money Bag Ryan

     My name is Ryan, and I'm a twelve year old eighth grader at Stuart Hobson Middle School.  My favorite subject is Mathematics, and I want to be an engineer when I get older.  My favorite sport to play is soccer, and my favorite sport to watch is easily football.  My favorite soccer player and role model is Landon Donovan, and my favorite football player is the late, great Sean Taylor.  My favorite food is chicken.  My mother is Diana, and she is a sixth grade math teacher at Stuart Hobson Middle School.  My father is also named Ryan, and he is a musician.  The highlight of my life was when I got my cell phone because I had been wanting one for what seemed like forever.  I want to be a soccer player or engineer in the future.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Number One

     I am Daniel and a lot of people know me as a special person and interesting.  My role model is Carmelo Anthony because I want to be a basketball star in the NBA like him and he is from the Washington, DC and Maryland area. The highlight of my life is when my sister was born, even though she is very annoying. She is my first and only sibling, . In the future I hope to be rich, famous, successful, and an NBA basketball star. I really like to play basketball and watch basketball. I think is more fun to play basketball. I really like sports and I am open to trying new things. I would like to travel to many beautiful places that have good food and are historical places.

The Superman of World War II

       Our class is named after Dorie Miller a World War II Hero.  Dorie Miller was born in Waco, Texas on October 12, 1919.   He attended Moore High School and was a fullback for the football team.  On September 16, 1939, he he enlisted in the United States Navy as a Mess Attendant, so he could earn money and travel.  He was a Mess Attendant on the USS Pyro and he was a boxing champion on the USS Virginia.  During the Pearl Harbor attack, he was assigned to carry wounded soldiers to safety.  He also aided the Captain of the ship, and manned a fifty caliber Browning anti-aircraft machine gun.  On May 27, 1942, he received the Navy Cross.  More than a year later, a Japanese torpedo shot the Liscome Bay (the ship he was on) on November 24, 1943 sinking the ship.  A year and a day later on November 25, 1944 he was officially presumed dead.  He is significant because he was the first African American to get the Navy Cross.  He is appropriate for this class because he went above and beyond no matter what, just like this class.